Use JPConnect to Quick Connect

Need a better SURVEY framework ?

Make ANNOUNCEMENTS effective ?

Say good bye to

"Point of you", "JPMCNotifications" etc etc..

No more excuses - time consuming, un-user friendly !

ResponsiveTry JPConnect

Announcements, Reviews are vital

For a better and healthy workplace.

To improve the quality of service in an organisation e.g Dining, Transport or facilities.

- An organisation time to time conduct surveys, collect feedbacks.

- Emails, sms and kiosks are being used to collect user feedbacks.

Do we get enough participations ?

No !!

Why ?

Emails are not the right medium.

SMS is expensive and not friendly to reply.

Kiosks needs extra infrastructure costs and also demands users physical presence.

Any solutions ?

Yes ! With a simple MOBILE APP built with JUST TOUCH IDEA into mind and powered by PUSH NOTIFICATIONS.
An organsiation can also save a lot of money by adapting this app as mobile cloud messaging is free e.g GCM by Google.

Why a mobile app?

  • More than 95% of messages delivered to Mobile apps are read.
  • JUST TOUCH INTERFACE fetches more user responses.
  • One app one purpose.
  • It is easy to use too.

  • What are push notifications?

  • A push notification is a message that pops up on a mobile device.
  • They can be sent at any time, even when user is offline.
  • Users need not have to be in the app or keep the app running.
  • Notifications are self explanatory and does not need filterations.
  • They can be scheduled, can be geo-targetted too.
  • Responsive Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler.
    Albert Einstein